Exercise 2
- Go to KEGG Organisms page by clicking KEGG Organism from KEGG home page.
- 3 or 4 letter code is an entry point of various information on each species. For example, click eco for E. coli.
- Species name is a link to DBGET keyword search.
- Put "triosephosphate isomerase" as keywords.
- Follow a gene ID (b3919) link, then you will see various information on the gene including pathways and modules.
- Access to KAAS, or follow KAAS link from the GenomeNet page.
- Use human glycolysis gene set and p53 pathway gene set as input queries.
- You can submit any combination of the options with the query sequences and your e-mail address.
- The result will be stored seven days on the server.
- You can see sample results here.
EGassembler / EGENES
- Select tomato from EGENES page.
- You will see various information for tomato EST contigs, for example, TCA cycle / Carotenoid biosynthesis from the "Pathway maps" link.
- Click CrtL-b in Carotenoid biosynthesis map, then three contigs are found to be assigned to this enzyme.
- By Clinking Alingnment button, you can see how this contig are assembled.
- Download KegArray for your PC's OS.
- You can upload your local data, but also can retrieve microarray data stored in GenomeNet (mainy from Synechocystis and Bacillus subtilis).
- Select ex0000142, for example, then array image and scatter plot will be launched.
- You can change Ratio threshold and/or Intensity threshold.
- Clicking Search button will lead you to the pathway map search result with specified set of genes.
- You can also upload metabolomics data from the Compounds panel. Sample data.
Last updated: 26 June, 2012