Publication List
Research Papers (Peer Reviewed)
- Ogata, H., Goto, S., Sato, K., Fujibuchi, W., Bono, H., and
Kanehisa, M.;
KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes.
Nucleic Acids Res. 27:29-34 (1999).
- Goto, S., Nishioka, T., and Kanehisa, M.;
LIGAND database for enzymes, compounds, and reactions.
Nucleic Acids Res. 27:377-379 (1999).
- Goto, S., Nishioka, T., and Kanehisa, M.;
LIGAND: chemical database for enzyme reactions.
Bioinformatics 14:591-599 (1998).
- Bono, H., Ogata, H., Goto, S., and Kanehisa, M.;
Reconstruction of amino acid biosynthesis pathways from the
complete genome sequence.
Genome Res. 8:203-210 (1998).
- Ogata, H., Goto, S., Fujibuchi, W., and Kanehisa, M.;
Computation with the KEGG pathway database.
BioSystems 47:119-128 (1998).
- Bono, H., Goto, S., Fujibuchi, W., Ogata, H., and Kanehisa, M.;
Systematic prediction of orthologous units of genes in the
complete genomes.
Genome Informatics 1998, pp. 32-40 (1998).
- Fujibuchi, W., Sato, K., Ogata, H., Goto, S., and Kanehisa, M.;
KEGG and DBGET/LinkDB: Integration of biological relationships in
divergenet molecular biology data.
In "Knowledge Sharing Across Biological and Medical Knowledge
Based Systems", Technical Report WS-98-04, pp. 35-40, AAAI Press (1998).
- Fujibuchi, W., Goto, S., Migimatsu, H., Uchiyama, I.,
Ogiwara, A., Akiyama, Y., and Kanehisa, M.;
DBGET/LinkDB: an Integrated Database Retrieval System.
Pacific Symp. Biocomputing 3:683-694 (1997).
- Goto, S., Bono, H., Ogata, H., Fujibuchi, W., Nishioka, T.,
Sato, K., and Kanehisa, M.;
Organizing and computing metabolic pathway data in terms of binary
Pacific Symp. Biocomputing 2:75-186 (1996).
- Ogata, H., Bono, H., Fujibuchi, W., Goto, S., and Kanehisa, M.;
Analysis of binary relations and hierarchies of enzymes in the
metabolic pathways.
Genome Informatics 1996, pp. 128-136 (1996).
- Sakamoto, N., Goto, S., and Takagi, T.;
A Deductive Database System for Analyzing Human Nucleotide
Sequence Data.
Int. J. Biomed. Comput. 36:171-179 (1994).
- Goto, S., Sakamoto, N., Takagi, T., and Ushijima, K.;
A Deductive Language in Object-Oriented Database for Genome Analysis.
Proc. Int. Symp. Next Generation Database Systems and Their
Applications, pp. 123-129 (1993).
- Goto, S., Sakamoto, N., and Takagi, T.;
Object-Oriented Database with Rule-Based Query Interface for
Genomic Computation.
Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. Database Systems for Advanced Applications,
pp. 65-72 (1993).
- Takagi, T., Suzuki, T., Goto, S., and Ushijima, K.;
Applicability of a Deductive Database to CAD Systems.
Proc. Suppl. 7th Int. Conf. Data Engineering, pp. 51-58 (1991).
- Takagi, T., Suzuki, T., Goto, S., and Ushijima, K.;
An Evaluation of a Deductive Database System in CAD Application.
Transaction of the Institute of Electronics, Information and
Communication Engineering of Japan J74-D-I(8):485-495 (1991). (in Japanese).
Review Articles and Book Chapters
- Goto, S.;
Simulation of Metabolic Network.
bit, 31(6):18-23, Kyoritshu Shuppan (1999). (in Japanese).
- Goto, S.;
Current status of integrated biological databases.
Kagaku to Seibutsu, 36(5):319-324 (1998). (in Japanese).
- Goto, S.;
KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes.
The Usage of GenomeNet Databases [2nd Edition]
(Takagi, T. and Kanehisa, M. eds.), pp.45-60, Kyoritsu Shuppan
(1998). (in Japanese).
- Goto, S.;
Deductive Database for Metabolism.
Human Genome Project (Kanehisa, M. ed.), pp.146-159,
Kyoritsu Shuppan (1997). (in Japanese).
- Kanehisa, M. and Goto, S.;
A systematic analysis of gene functions by the metabolic pathway database.
In "Theoretical and Computational Methods in Genome Research"
(Suhai, S., ed.), pp. 41-55, Plenum Press (1997).
- Goto, S.;
Usage of DBGET.
The Usage of GenomeNet Databases (Takagi, T. and Kanehisa, M. eds.),
pp.11-32, Kyoritsu Shuppan (1996). (in Japanese).
- Goto, S.;
Integrated Database Environment by WWW.
The Usage of GenomeNet Databases (Takagi, T. and Kanehisa, M. eds.),
pp.79-100, Kyoritsu Shuppan (1996). (in Japanese).
- Goto, S., and Kanehisa, M.;
Genome Database and Genome Information Analysis.
BIO INDUSTRY, 12(8):56-64 (1995). (in Japanese).
Symposium and Workshop Presentations
- Akiyama, Y., Goto, S., Uchiyama, I., and Kanehisa, M.;
WebDBGET: an integrated database retrieval system which provides
hyper-links among related entries.
MIMBD'95: Second Meeting on the Interconnection of Molecular
Biology Databases (1995).
- Goto, S., Akiyama, Y., and Kanehisa, M.;
LinkDB: a database of cross links between molecular biology databases.
MIMBD'95: Second Meeting on the Interconnection of Molecular
Biology Databases (1995).
Last updated: June 18, 1999